• "What is a Pastebin used for?"

    A pastebin is a Web application that allows users to upload and share text online. The most common use is for sharing source code or configuration information. There are thousands of pastebins online, often geared towards particular groups or focuses.

  • "Whats the check mark icon next to a paste mean?"

    It means that the paste is public.

  • "Whats the star icon next to a paste mean?"

    It means that the paste is private.

  • "Whats the lock icon next to a paste mean?"

    It means that the paste is password protected.

  • "How do I register?"

    Simply click the "Account" -> "Register" link and then goto the register page and fill out the form and submit. You will have to check your email and click the confirmation link in this email to activate your account.

  • "How do I delete my account?"

    Simply login, then click the gradient button on the top left of the navbar: "Panels" -> "Options". Then, scroll to the bottom, and then click the "Delete My Account" button on this page. You cannot undo the deletion of your account!

  • "How do I login?"

    Simply click the "Account" -> "Login" link and then goto the login page and fill out the form and submit.

  • "How do I submit a paste?"

    Simply click the gradient button on the top most right of the navbar: "New". Then you must fill out the "Paste" and "Captcha" (if not logged in) and then submit. You will then be directed to the paste URL. Example URL: https://mypastebin.com/dXTlA

  • "How do I delete one of my pastes?"

    Simply click the gradient button on the top left of the navbar: "Panels" -> "Options". Then, click the button on the bottom of the page: "My Pastes". You will then be redirected to the "Pastes" page with all your pastes. Now, click a paste on the table and goto the paste, then click the: "Delete" button on the second nav bar from the top. If you don't see the "Delete" button, you cannot delete another member's pastes.

  • "How do I edit one of my pastes?"

    Simply click the gradient button on the top left of the navbar: "Panels" -> "Options". Then, click the button on the bottom of the page: "My Pastes". You will then be redirected to the "Pastes" page with all your pastes. Now, click a paste on the table and goto the paste, then click the: "Edit" button on the second nav bar from the top. If you don't see the "Edit" button, you cannot edit another member's pastes.

  • "How do i see/delete my paste's comments?"

    Simply click the "Panels" -> "Options" link and then scroll to the bottom of the page to the "My Comments" section. Click either the "ID" or the "X" to view/delete the comments for this paste. If you don't see a "My Comments" section, then you haven't sent any comments.

  • "How do I become an admin?"

    At this time, there are no Admin positions available. Check back at a later time.

  • "How do I opt out of messages from paste comments?"

    Simply login, then click the gradient button on the top left of the navbar: "Panels" -> "Options". Then, select either yes or no under "Message on new comment" and then click the Submit button. This option is set to yes by default.

  • "How do I see a paste's details?"

    Simply click the paste you want to view the details of, then click the "Details" button on the upper right of the second navbar. A little dialog will open with all the details listed.

  • "How do I change my theme?"

    Simply login, then click the gradient button on the top left of the navbar: "Panels" -> "Options". Then, select a theme you want to apply, then click the Submit button.

  • "How do I download/export all my pastes?"

    Simply login, then click the gradient button on the top left of the navbar: "Panels" -> "Options". Then, scroll down and click the "Download your pastes" button.

  • "How do you clipboard a paste?"

    Simply click the gradient button on the top right of the navbar: "Pastes". Then, click the paste you want to clipboard, then click the "Copy" button on the second navbar.

  • "How do you download a paste?"

    Simply click the gradient button on the top right of the navbar: "Pastes". Then, click the paste you want to download, then click the "DL" button on the second navbar.

  • "How do you comment on a paste?"

    Simply login, then click the gradient button on the top right of the navbar: "Pastes". Then, click the paste you want to comment on, then type in the box your comment, then click the Submit button. You can delete all your own comments, or if this is your paste, you can delete any comment you want.

  • "How do you like/dislike a paste?"

    Simply login, then click the gradient button on the top right of the navbar: "Pastes". Then, click the paste you want to like/dislike, then click on the thumbs up/down images to submit your vote.

  • "How do you view the raw code of a paste?"

    Simply click the gradient button on the top right of the navbar: "Pastes". Then, click the paste you want to see the raw code and click the "RAW" button on the second navbar. You cannot view the RAW code for a passworded paste!

  • "Is there a site scrape for the newest pastes?"

    Yes. To scrape the website, you can use the URL: "https://mypastebin.com/latest_json.php", you'll get JSON.

If you need more assistance don't hesitate to contact us!